Benthe Vestergård
Consultancy company BV Kommunikation
Odense (Denmark)
Ms Benthe Vestergård is the owner of the consultancy company BV Communication, specialising in relations between urban development projects and their stakeholders, e.g. local communities. After seven years, as a communications director and board member at Odense Tramway during the construction phase, she has acquired in-depth insight and experience relating to the construction industry, and expertise in managing cooperation processes with authorities, politicians, citizens and companies. She successfully developed the communication concept for the tramway, which turned the broad range of stakeholders into co-creators of both the tramway and the communication concerning the tramway. She is a journalist and holds a master in conflict resolution. She has worked as a political reporter at the Danish parliament, as a business journalist and in several communications positions with leadership responsibilities. She now runs her own business as a communications specialist in major infrastructure projects.