François Bausch
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Mobility and Public Works
Ministry of Mobility and Public Works
Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
François Bausch was born on 16 October 1956 in Luxembourg City.
Education and qualifications
François Bausch attended secondary school at the Lycée de garçons in Esch-sur-Alzette.
Governmental posts
Following the legislative elections of 20 October 2013, François Bausch joined the government as Minister for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure on 4 December 2013 in the coalition government formed by the Democratic Party (DP), the Luxembourg Socialist Workers’ Party (LSAP) and the Green Party (déi gréng).
After the legislative elections of 14 October 2018, François Bausch was appointed Minister of Defence, Minister for Mo¬bility and Public Works and Minister for Internal Security on 5 December 2018 in the coalition government formed by the DP, the LSAP and déi gréng.
On 11 October 2019, after Félix Braz’ resignation due to health issues, François Bausch was appointed Deputy Prime Minister while keeping his other ministerial portfolios.
On 23 July 2020, François Bausch transferred the portfolio of Internal Security to Henri Kox while keeping the Defence as well as the Mobility and Public Works portfolio.
Other political posts
A member of the Green Party since 1986, François Bausch was elected to Parliament for the first time in 1989 as a can¬didate for the Green Party in the constituency of the Centre. He served as Member of Parliament until 1992, before being re-elected from 1994 to 2013. He was, among others, chairman of the parliamentary Oversight Committee of the State Intel¬ligence Service from 2009 to 2013. He also assumed the role of chairman of the parliamentary group of the Green Party from 1999 to 2013.
At local level, François Bausch initially served as a municipal councillor of the City of Luxembourg from 1994 to 2005, then as first alderman from 2005 to 2013.
Professional activities
Prior to embarking on his political career, François Bausch was an officer with Luxembourg National Railways (Société nationale des chemins de fer luxembourgeois – CFL).
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